Thursday, April 11, 2013


“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving the Lord your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days…” (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20a)

God our Creator has set before us the ultimate choice, between life or death. If we want to live, we must choose life. Given the choice, with the tragic exception of those who choose to end their own lives, people choose life for themselves.

God commands us to choose life not only in order that we may live, but also that our descendants may live. With the legalization of abortion and the technology to perform abortion procedures more “easily” than ever, we have the power to choose death for our descendants, our children, like we have never had before.
In the United States of America, as of this writing over 56, 106, 898 million of our descendants, our children, have been chosen and turned over for death since the January 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion on demand.

This is the horrendous legacy of the deceitful and coercive “pro-choice” ideology and movement, perpetrated by a monstrous and greedy abortion industry that is supported by the government and often by clergy, church members, and the leaders of church denominations. 

As a result, more than 3,300 babies are aborted per day, 137 per hour, one every 30 seconds. In the time it took me to end this paragraph, the number of aborted babies is now 56,106,912, according to this abortion counter:

When nations, movements, industries, governments, mothers and families choose death for their children, they choose death for themselves. Our lives depend on choosing life for our children. When we choose death for the most helpless and innocent of us, we die ourselves. We die inside, we die spiritually—and sometimes physically—when we make the choice to kill the unborn.

As a Christian, I believe we die inside when we choose death because God is The Lord of Life Who wants us to choose life. We choose life, we choose to really live, we choose to live abundant and eternal life, by loving, obeying and holding fast to God Who created us and gave us life in His image, female and male.
This blog is one of the fruits of my passion for life, my deep desire that we all choose life for all of us, for ourselves and for our children. 

So while I am a Christian, writing as a pro-life Christian and from a Biblical worldview, this blog exists to encourage all of us to choose life and to in some small way equip us to help others choose life, whatever our worldview. 

The purpose of this blog, PROLIFEeration, is to proliferate, to spread, circulate and broadcast the pro-life message and cause, so that people may choose life and help others choose life.  

My hope is that there will be helpful information, inspiration and tools for Christians of all denominations and theologies, people of all religions, atheists, agnostics and everyone else who chooses life and want to help others choose life.

It is also my hope that there is help and hope here for those who want to choose life but need information and encouragement, including those who are considering abortions or already had abortions. It is never too late to choose life.

Choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants.