Friday, April 12, 2013


April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in the United States. 

According to the SAAM website at “The 2013 National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) campaign focuses on healthy sexuality and its connection to child sexual abuse prevention.”…“The 2013 SAAM campaign national slogan is: "It’s time … to talk about it. Talk early, talk often. Prevent sexual violence."

So, let’s talk about sexual assault awareness, and in particular child sexual abuse prevention, beginning with some important words from Jesus Christ.

 He said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks come, but woe to him through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble.” (Luke 17:1, 2)

One of the worst stumbling blocks that can be put in front of anyone, and particularly a child, is to be sexually abused. When children are sexually abused, it causes them to stumble and fall.

Emotional distress, depression, sexual dysfunctions and promiscuity, physical symptoms, despair, feelings of abandonment and betrayal even by God and those closest to them, and suicidal thoughts are hazards set, over and over again, in front of sexually abused children. Constant banging against such obstructions, even years after the abuse has “ended”, hinders sexually abused children as they try to enjoy life, be productive, and be the people God made them and meant for them to be. 

Children who experience sexual abuse experience many of the same symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as soldiers in a combat zone. The violence against these children often comes from enemies who are supposed to be their friends and dates, their relatives, family friends and acquaintances, and even, though infrequently, their biological parents. Children are sexually abused by their supposed protectors and those who should be defending their instead of sexually assaulting and raping them.

Those who are warring on our children are of course not just those they know and thought they could trust. Sometimes strangers sexually abuse children too. As the sex trafficking industry grows in our country, sexual abuse by sex traffickers and their clients likewise increases. 

In a LifeNews article from about a year ago, Feminists for Life President Serrin Foster writes: “Feminists for Life opposes all forms of violence against women and children – including abortion and rape.” She goes on to declare that every rape is wrong with no exceptions, whether the victims are female or male, whether the perpetrators are male or female, whether the perpetrators are family members, friends, strangers, sex traffickers or the clients of sex traffickers. 

The Feminists for Life president continues: “Rapists should be prosecuted no matter if the victim becomes pregnant or not, no matter if she has an abortion, miscarriage or live birth.”

Foster singles out sex traffickers: “Unbelievably, there is no legal protection against taking a child across state lines for an abortion even if you live in a state that requires parental notification or approval for an abortion upon a child. Who takes under-aged, pregnant girls across state lines for abortion? ~most often, it’s noncustodial, older men who are sexual predators seeking to conceal the crime of statutory rape or other noncustodial adults involved in sex trafficking of minors.”

She calls for passage of the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA), H.R. 2299, which “would provide up to a one year imprisonment for anyone who performs an abortion on an out of state minor not accompanied by a parent.”

In this excellent article, Serrin Foster deftly ties together child sexual abuse and rape, sex trafficking, and abortion. 

In 2009, adolescents under 15 years obtained .05% of all abortions, but had the highest abortion ratio, 785 abortions for every 1,000 live births (CDC); those aged 15–17 obtained 6% of all abortions.

However, it is almost certain that abortions performed on girls under 18 are underreported, because the sexual abuse of girls who go to or are brought to abortion clinics is clearly underreported. 

Lila Rose and her Live Action team have, through undercover work and videos, have exposed how Planned Parenthood  is not only failing to report cases of sexual abuse, but is also aiding and abetting sex traffickers. Here are some of the videos:

Failing to report child sexual abuse and helping sex traffickers cover their tracks are of course serious crimes. But committing these horrid crimes against our children means Planned Parenthood, and the rest of the abortion industry, is able to perform more abortions and make more money off of their main source of income. Over half of PP’s income is abortion income (

No wonder PP considers it worth the risk to exploit sexually abused children by helping those trafficking them for sex and not reporting their abuse.

The only way doing this will not be worth it for them is if we practice the 2013 Sexual Assault Awareness month 2013. "It’s time … to talk about it. Talk early, talk often. Prevent sexual violence." 

For the sake of the children, our society, and our souls, we must talk now and talk often about the sexual abuse, rape, trafficking and exploitation of our children. We must push for laws requiring parental notification before aborting the children of minors. We must urge that laws requiring the reporting of suspected sexual abuse of minors be enforced against abortion industry workers. We must tell the truth about how aborting these children’s children only adds to the trauma of sexual abuse the trauma of knowing their babies have been killed. 

Let’s speak out and stand up for our sexually abused children, and for their unborn children as well.